What is Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD)? Understanding the Condition

Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) is a rare and confusing skin condition. That affects people with diabetes1 and 2 both. NLD is difficult to identify and manage. It appears as reddish-brown lesions with a center area of depressed, yellowish skin. More women than men experience it, and most don’t notice the symptoms until they’re 30. Monitored those who don’t have diabetes but who show this symptom. Because it could be an indicator of the disease. This blog will cover all aspects of NLD. While including its symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatments. And ways to deal with diabetic people.

What is Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD)?

Chronic skin problems with diabetes cause necrosis lipoidica diabeticorum (NLD). Lesions of this condition are smooth and shiny on the outside. Also, it has a characteristic hollow with yellow skin in the center. Although necrosis lipoidica diabeticorum most often affects the legs, it may also appear in other parts of the body. Besides, Main cause of NLD is problems with blood vessel function and collagen metabolism.

High blood sugar, or diabetes mellitus (DM), is a symptom of a wide range of metabolic illnesses. When beta cells in the pancreas fail to produce insulin. The pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Furthermore, to explain type 1, Damage to or inactivity of insulin-producing cells causes diabetes. Loss of beta cells requires supplements. Whereas type 2, diabetes is not dependent on insulin. A good diet and medication can help control the condition. There is an interaction between age, poor weight management, lack of exercise, and family history of illness.

Historical Background

Necrobiosis lipoidica was first discussed in 1929 by Oppenheim. Who called it dermatitis atrophicans diabetica. In 1932, Urbach changed the name of the disease to necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (NLD).

Goldsmith found the first case in 1935 in a person who did not have diabetes. In 1948, Meischer and Leder wrote about more cases of NLD in people who did not have diabetes. Rollins and Winkelmann also wrote about NLD in people who did not have diabetes in 1960. So, the idea was to take the word “diabetes” out of the name of the disease. Today, necrobiosis lipoidica is a broader term that includes all people. With the same clinical lesions, whether they have diabetes or not.

Causes for Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD)

Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) is a disease that affects people with diabetes or non-diabetes. Its root cause is not known, but it may be a combination of vascular and immune factors. Moreover, Diabetes mellitus and NLD share a strong relationship, with diabetes’s persistent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) believed to play a crucial role in the beginning of NLD. Here are some of the things that play a role in the development of NLD:

Blood Vessel Changes

Changes in the blood vessels of the skin can cause NLD. People who have diabetes have high blood glucose levels for a long time. This can damage the small blood vessels and make it hard for blood to flow to the skin. This lower blood flow could make it easier for NLD tumors to form.

Collagen Problems

Collagen is a crucial protein that gives the skin its shape. In NLD, there may be problems with how collagen breaks. That can change the way the skin looks and works. There is a theory that these problems with collagen cause NLD growth.

Autoimmune or Inflammatory Process

Some experts believe that the cause of necrosis lipoidica diabeticorum is an autoimmune or inflammatory process. Besides, NLD sores may start or get worse because of skin inflammation.

Genetic Tendency

There may be an inherited susceptibility to NLD. Because people with a family history of the condition tend to get it more often.

Other Risk Factors

Diabetes, being a woman, and being overweight for a long time are also risk factors for NLD. Also, People with diabetes that aren’t well controlled or have an unhealthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD)

Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) is a skin disease that affects people with diabetes mellitus. Specific skin lesions are a sign of the condition. Some of the signs and symptoms of NLD are:

Skin Lesions

Skin lesions are the most important and defining characteristic of necrosis lipoidica diabeticorum. Most of the time, these skin problems start as small, red, itching bumps. Over time, the bumps get bigger and change into well-defined, raised shiny spots.

Reddish-brown Color

NLD lesions are usually a reddish-brown color. but the strength of the color can change based on the person and the stage of the disease.

Central Depression

Each NLD tumor has a sunken yellow area of skin in the middle that makes it look different. This area in the middle might get bigger over time.

Firm Texture

NLD lesions have a firm texture because of changes in collagen metabolism and blood vessel activity in the affected skin.

Lower Legs

NLD can happen in other parts of the body, but it is most common in the lower legs. These skin problems usually happen on the front of the leg below the knee.

Itching and Pain

NLD tumors can cause itching and pain in people who have them. Itching can cause people to scratch, which can make the skin even worse.

Sensitivity and pain

In some cases, NLD sores can be tender and painful, especially if they bleed or become inflamed.

Slow Growth

NLD lesions usually grow over weeks or months, and their growth may be slow.

It’s important to know that NLD is a rare disease with different signs for each person who suffers from it. Also, NLD can look like other skin diseases, so a correct diagnosis is very important. If you notice any changes to your skin that makes you worried. Or if you have diabetes and think you might have NLD. You should see a dermatologist or other medical professional who knows about skin conditions to get a good evaluation and diagnosis. Early diagnosis and the right kind of care can help people with NLD avoid complications and improve their general health.

Tests and Exams

Your healthcare provider may confirm the diagnosis by taking a look at your skin. If necessary, your doctor may do a biopsy through a punch to figure out what’s wrong. The biopsy takes a small piece of tissue from the lesion’s edge. To find out if you have diabetes, your diabetes specialist doctor or nurse may give you a test to determine your tolerance to glucose.

Treatment and management

It can be hard to treat necrosis lipoidica diabeticorum. Getting control of blood sugar doesn’t make conditions better. Possible treatments are:

In severe cases, Surgery can remove the lesion while using the skin from another part of the body. During treatment, you should check your blood sugar as prescribed. Besides this, if you don’t want the sores to turn into ulcers, don’t hurt the area. Follow the steps on how to take care of lesions if you get them. Your health care provider will tell you to quit smoking. Lesions can take longer to heal if you smoke.


In conclusion, Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) is a rare skin disease that comes with diabetes mellitus. Its skin sores, which look like raised reddish-brown patches and a yellowish area in the middle, can itch, hurt, and be uncomfortable. Moreover, the actual cause of NLD is uncertain, but persistent diabetes worsens changes in the skin’s blood vessels and collagen.

Early diagnosis and good supervisors, such as controlling diabetes well, taking care of wounds, and getting medical care, are important for reducing complications and improving the quality of life for people with NLD. Maintaining a schedule of routine medical checkups allows for constant monitoring. Gain valuable insights into Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) and find relief with Saad MD. Our specialized team provides effective therapies and care without leaving your comfort zone. And take charge of your NLD journey with us.