What are the Signs of Hair Growth?

Hair growth is a natural and fascinating process that occurs throughout our lives. Whether you’re trying to grow out your hair or you’re just curious about the signs of hair growth, understanding how this process works and what to look for can be beneficial. However, here, we’ll explore the various aspects of hair growth and the signs that indicate your hair is growing.

The Basics of Hair Growth

Before we dive into signs of new hair growth, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of how hair grows. Nevertheless, hair growth is a complex process that occurs in stages, and various factors, including genetics, age, health, and hormonal changes, influence it.

Hair Growth Phases

Anagen Phase

Hair is in its active growth phase at this point. It can last from two to seven years, during which hair can grow approximately 1 cm every 28 days. The duration of this phase is determined by genetics. Hair growth is prominent in this phase.

Catagen Phase

In this transitional phase, the hair follicle shrinks, and hair growth slows down. It lasts a few weeks.

Telogen Phase

Also known as the resting phase, hair follicles are dormant. This period can last for about three months. At the end of this phase, hair naturally falls out, allowing new hair to grow. Moreover, signs of hair growth may lessen in this stage. Understanding these phases helps us identify the signs of hair growth as they correspond to different stages in the hair growth cycle.

Signs of Hair Growth

Increased Hair Length: One of the most apparent factors of hair growth is the increase in hair length. You’ll notice that your hair is getting longer, indicating it’s in the anagen phase and actively growing.
New Hair Growth On Scalp: For those experiencing hair loss or thinning, the appearance of new hair is a significant sign of regrowth. However, these new hair may appear finer and shorter initially but gradually thicken and lengthen over time.
Reduced Hair Loss: If you’ve been shedding more hair than usual, reducing hair loss is an encouraging sign of hair growth. As your hair enters the anagen phase, it becomes less prone to falling out.
Increased Hair Density: Hair growth doesn’t just mean longer strands; it can also lead to increased hair density. Over time, you may notice that your hair looks fuller and thicker, particularly in areas where you’ve been experiencing thinning.
Changes in Hair Texture: As new hair grows, it may have a different texture or appearance than your existing hair. For example, it might initially appear softer or finer. However, this is a common phenomenon; the surface often improves as the hair matures.
Less Scalp Visibility: If you’ve been concerned about a visible scalp due to hair thinning, regrowth will gradually cover more of your scalp, making it less visible.
Less Noticeable Hair Parting: Thinning hair often leads to more noticeable hair parting. Regrowing hair can make the parting less pronounced as new strands fill the gaps.

Less Exposed Forehead: For those dealing with receding hairlines, hair regrowth can push back the hairline, reducing the extent of forehead exposure.

Fewer Bald Patches: If you have been struggling with bald patches or noticeable hair loss, the regrowth of hair in those areas is a positive sign of recovery.
Improved Hair Health: Healthy hair is one of the signs of hair growth. As your hair goes through its growth phases, you’ll notice enhanced overall hair health, with shinier, more vibrant, and less brittle strands.

Reduced Scalp Itchiness and Dryness: Hair regrowth often coincides with a healthier scalp. Many people find that the itching and dryness associated with hair loss improve as new hair grows.

Less Hair Shed in Shower or Pillow: Pay attention to your hair care routine. If you notice fewer strands falling out during your shower or on your pillow, it’s a sign that your hair is becoming more robust and less prone to shedding.

Reduced Hair Thinning Tools: If you’ve been using concealing products like hair fibers or thickeners, you may need them less as your hair regrows and thickens.

Factors Affecting Hair Growth

While small hair growth is promising, it’s important to remember that various factors can influence hair growth.


Your genetic makeup plays a significant role in determining the rate and pattern of your hair growth. Some people naturally have faster-growing hair, while others have slower growth.


Hair growth tends to slow down as we age. However, younger individuals often experience a more rapid increase than older adults.


Hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy, menopause, or hormonal imbalances, can affect hair growth. Hormones like testosterone and estrogen play a role in regulating hair growth.


Healthy hair growth requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to hair loss or slower growth.

Health Conditions Affecting Signs of New Hair Growth

Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid or autoimmune diseases, can impact signs of new hair growth. Treating hair loss can lead to improved growth.


Chronic stress can lead to hair loss and disrupt the normal growth cycle. Managing stress is essential for healthy hair.

Hair Care Practices

Overusing styling tools, harsh hair products, and tight hairstyles can damage hair and slow growth. Gentle hair care practices can promote healthier development.

Medications Affecting Signs of New Hair Growth

Certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs and medicines for certain conditions, may affect hair growth. Discuss with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about medication-induced hair loss.

What Does New Hair Growth Look Like

The process of hair growth may vary from person to person. Here are some standard features of what new hair growth can look like
It can take time for the color to match the rest of your hair.


Hair growth is a natural process that various factors can influence. The signs of hair growth are reassuring, and they indicate that your hair is in the active growth phase, which can be affected by genetics, age, hormones, nutrition, health conditions, and more. Understanding the process of hair growth and the factors that impact it can help you make informed choices to support your hair’s health and appearance. You can enjoy the benefits of healthy, vibrant, and growing hair with proper care and patience at Saad MD.