How to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

If you have hypothyroidism, you may know how hard it is to lose weight. Hypothyroidism, a disease in which your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone, can also slow your metabolism, making it hard to lose weight. Still, you can be losing weight with hypothyroidism if you take the proper steps and change your daily life. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

Implement these tips to lose weight with hypothyroidism

How do you lose weight when you have hypothyroidism? To deal with weight issues related to hypothyroidism successfully, it’s essential to use more than one method to learn how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. First and foremost, consider implementing these tips into your daily routine:

Eliminate Sugar: You can stabilize blood sugar levels by reducing or eliminating simple sugars.

Learn What to Eat: Incorporate high-fiber foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and ample fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Avoid Thyroid-Disrupting Food: Limit the consumption of foods that can negatively affect thyroid function.

Stay Well Hydrated: Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day.

Plan Your Meal Schedule: Take a strategic approach to meal timing and portion control.

Exercise Regularly: Integrate suitable low-impact exercises into your daily routine.

Get Ample Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep for hormonal balance.

Try Natural Supplements: Under the guidance of your healthcare provider, explore supplements like selenium and iodine.

Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Maintain open communication with your healthcare provider to know how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, make necessary medication adjustments, or explore additional options.

9 tips on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism

The journey can be challenging to discover how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. However, it’s crucial to remember that it’s feasible with the right strategies. Here are nine valuable tips on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, helping you navigate this unique weight-loss journey effectively.

1. Cut Out Simple Carbs and Sugars

Cutting out simple carbs and sugar is crucial when losing weight with hypothyroidism. These dietary changes can significantly impact stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing calorie intake, helping you work towards your weight loss goals while effectively managing your thyroid condition.

2. Learn What to Eat If You Have Hypothyroidism

When discovering how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, it’s crucial to recognize that there isn’t a specific “hypothyroidism diet.” However, adhering to certain dietary guidelines can significantly assist individuals in managing this condition while aiming for weight management.

Increase Your Fiber Intake

People with hypothyroidism can benefit from eating more fiber-rich foods like beans, whole grains, and nuts in several ways:

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Any diet should include plant-based foods, but someone with hypothyroidism may benefit significantly from a diet high in fruits and vegetables.

Since vegetables are low in calories, increasing your intake can satisfy you without gaining weight.

Additionally, studies show that consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal-based foods can help protect against cellular damage in people with hypothyroidism, reducing the development of the condition.

Choose High-Quality Proteins

Low-protein diets may affect thyroid function. This may be a factor in hypothyroidism. Getting adequate protein can aid in managing hypothyroidism.

Additionally, protein might speed up your metabolism and decrease appetite. Therefore, consuming high-quality protein can help you lose weight and control your appetite.

Eat Healthy Fats

Avoiding damaging fat sources, such as processed oils and deep-fried foods, is crucial. On the other hand, if you have hypothyroidism, healthy fats can play a significant role in your diet.

Several good sources of fat are as follows:

Additionally, these foods have essential nutrients. Selenium is vital for thyroid health and can be found in Brazil nuts.

Eat More Whole Grains

The vitamins, minerals, and fiber in brown rice, wheat bread, popcorn, and other whole grains are essential for good health. Whole grains satisfy you longer because they take longer to digest than simple carbohydrates like white rice and bread.

While providing little nutrients, simple carbs add a lot of calories to your diet. Make sure you eat only a few of them.

When trying to figure out how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, remember that while you should limit simple carbohydrates, whole grains are better for you and have more nutrients.

3. Avoid These Thyroid-Disrupting Foods

Some meals that would otherwise be healthful can cause weight gain and slow down thyroid function. Goitrogens, which are the causes, are present in meals like:

You can eat these foods in small amounts, especially if cooked or warmed. You should be careful not to overeat, though.

4. Stay Well Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps you lose weight, regardless of thyroid illness. Drinking enough water keeps your body healthy. It aids digestion, removal of water buildup and bloating, and weight loss.

There is no set amount of plain water we should drink daily, although healthy individuals should drink 11.5 cups for females and 15.5 cups for males.

About 20% of our water comes from food. Men should drink 13 cups of water or other fluids daily, while women should drink 9.

5. Adjust When and How Much to Eat

Pay attention to when and how much you eat when you have thyroid disease if you want to lose weight.

Timing of Meals

Managing your hypothyroidism and losing weight can be made more accessible by planning your meals ahead of time. Spreading out meals throughout the day helps keep blood sugar levels steady, which stops people from snacking too much and makes it easier to control their hunger.

How Much You Eat

When you have hypothyroidism, paying attention to how much you eat is essential. Because this disease may change your metabolism, watching your portions is vital for keeping your weight in check and avoiding eating too many calories.

You need different amounts of calories based on your age and your activity. A doctor or nutritionist can help you determine what’s best for you.

It can be harder to lose weight if you eat too few calories. Your body starts to use muscle for energy instead of fat when it doesn’t have enough food. Eating enough calories is the only way to get the nutrients you need to stay fit.

6. How to Exercise to Lose Weight

When considering how to lose weight with hypothyroidism by exercising, choose the suitable exercise that aligns with your physical capabilities and energy levels, especially if you have hypothyroidism.

Exercise types

An individual should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise each week. This can be broken up into five days of 30-minute workouts or tasks with an average level of difficulty, such as:

Although these activities may not be as challenging on your joints and muscles, they are still good choices for people who try to figure out how to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

In addition, they improve your cardiovascular health and make you burn more calories, which can help you reach your weight control goals. Before starting an exercise plan, please discuss it with your doctor or a fitness professional to ensure it fits your needs and limits.

7. Get Ample Sleep

Achieving adequate sleep is fundamental to understanding how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Poor sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances that can promote weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

These tips can help you sleep better if you’re having trouble. Good ways to sleep:

8. Try Natural Supplements

Experts believe some vitamins can be beneficial when exploring how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. These are generally safe to use when taken at the manufacturer’s recommended dose, even though they haven’t undergone considerable research:

Before you take any weight loss product, make sure to talk to your weight loss doctor beforehand. Some fruits, like grapefruit, can make medicines less effective, like statins (used to treat high cholesterol) and anticoagulants (used to thin the blood).

9. Talk to Your Healthcare Provider

Time For a Medication Change?

Maintaining open conversations with your healthcare provider is essential to learn how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Discuss whether it might be time to switch medications or change your thyroid hormone replacement treatment. Ensuring your thyroid levels are appropriately controlled is critical to keeping your weight in check.

Additional Testing

To understand how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, your healthcare provider may recommend additional testing to assess your thyroid function comprehensively. This may involve evaluating other factors, such as cortisol levels, vitamin deficiencies, or autoimmune conditions contributing to weight issues.

Prescription Weight-Loss Drugs

Sometimes, your healthcare provider might consider prescription weight-loss drugs as part of your treatment plan. These medications should only be used under the supervision and guidance of a healthcare professional, especially when dealing with hypothyroidism weight loss, to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

Discussing these options with your healthcare provider is crucial when navigating how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. They can provide tailored guidance and treatment options like weight loss therapy to support your weight management journey effectively.

Additionally, these foods have essential nutrients. Selenium is vital for thyroid health and can be found in Brazil nuts.

The Relationship between Weight and Hypothyroidism

Understanding the connection between weight and hypothyroidism is vital when exploring how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. This comprehension is critical for effective weight management since hypothyroidism can contribute to weight gain and create significant hurdles in the journey to shed excess pounds.

If you have severe hypothyroidism, your metabolism can slow down by about 50%, making you gain weight or have trouble losing it.

Because of hypothyroidism, a person may also gain 5 to 10 pounds. This weight gain is primarily due to holding on to water and salt, but it should go away once treatment or changes to your lifestyle begin.

Why Hypothyroidism Causes Weight Gain

People with hypothyroidism face the challenge of figuring out how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, as this condition significantly impacts their ability to shed excess pounds. The primary reason behind this struggle is the slowdown in metabolism when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones.

However, it’s crucial to note that you gain weight when you have hypothyroidism for multiple reasons, not just because your metabolism slows down.

Low Metabolism

If you have hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down a lot. This means that your body burns calories more slowly. It can be hard to lose weight when your metabolism is slow, even if you eat less.


Hypothyroidism can make you feel tired, less active, and exercising, making you gain weight. Taking care of this tiredness is essential to losing weight with hypothyroidism.

Weak, Achy, or Stiff Muscles and Joints

Joint pain and weak muscles can make it hard to do active activities, making it harder to burn calories and lose weight. Gentle movements and stretches can be beneficial in dealing with these problems.


Hypothyroidism is often connected to mental illnesses like sadness, making people eat when upset and gain weight. Dealing with sadness and getting help are essential to losing weight with hypothyroidism.

Frequently Asked Questions

For people with hypothyroidism, the time it takes to lose weight can be very different from person to person. However, it’s essential to know that the best way to learn how to lose weight with hypothyroidism is to be patient and consistent. If you have hypothyroidism and follow a personalized plan to lose weight, you can see improvement over a few months.

If you have hypothyroidism and want to lose 20 pounds, you need to take a well-balanced and planned approach to how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. To reach this weight loss goal, you should focus on changing your food, regular low-impact exercise, and monitoring your thyroid hormone levels.

Yes, hypothyroidism can make it harder to lose weight because it slows down your metabolism and makes you tired. Still, it’s essential to know that learning how to lose weight with hypothyroidism is possible. Individuals with hypothyroidism can work towards their weight loss goals despite the difficulties that come with this thyroid condition by using personalized plans and staying consistent.

Being hypothyroid does not usually happen when you lose a lot of weight quickly. However, it’s crucial to understand that excessive dieting or subjecting your body to extreme stress can disrupt thyroid function. Therefore, when exploring how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, it’s vital to prioritize a healthy and sustainable approach to weight loss—one that you can maintain over time to minimize the risk of thyroid issues.


To sum up, Because hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism and changes other parts of your body, it can be harder to figure out how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. These changes also affect other hormones that manage weight and hunger.

If you find that the struggle to shed those extra pounds persists, it’s time to take a proactive step in understanding how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Reach out to your doctor about checking your thyroid hormone levels. They can help you figure out if you need a different amount or more medicine.

Along with managing your medications, lifestyle changes can help you lose weight more quickly. To learn how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, you should know the need to get enough sleep, stay hydrated, follow a personalized diet that includes fiber-rich foods, and stay away from goitrogens. But it’s essential to be careful with diet drugs because people with hypothyroidism may have more problems because of the harmful effects that they might have.